Romana contact
Lugoj House of Culture
Attested since 1334, the town of Lugoj is situated in the West of Romania, at about 60 km. From Timisoara, the administrative centre of the department of Timis, on the European road n° 70, the future continental highway that will link the west side of the country to Bucharest.
Being situated in the plain of the Banat, it is surrounded by some hills favourable for the vineyards. The climate is temperate with Mediterranean influences. The economic landscape is made up of several branches of light industry: shoes, ceramics, clothes, woodwork, electronics and fine mechanics.
The population is about 45,000 inhabitants and it is made up of Romanians, Germans, Hungarians and other ethnic groups that live in peace together. The town offers a model of convergence and multi ethnic life especially at the cultural confessional level. The orthodox majority coexists with the Uniat, the Catholics, the Reformed, the Jewish and people of other confession, in an exemplary understanding and communication. Considered as the Spiritual Capital of the Banat with very old traditions that go back in time, the cultural life is obvious in several representative institutions such as: the Town Museum, the Town Library, the “Traian Grozavescu” Theatre, The House of Culture and the “Pro Arte” Galleries.
Since 1992, Lugoj has become a University centre. The three faculties of the “Dragan European University” train young people in law, economic science, cybernetic and information technology in economy.
For more than a decade the local media are represented by the weeklies “Redesteptarea” and “Actualitatea lugojeana” the radio transmitters “Nova FM”, “Analog”, and “National” and the TV channels “Europa Nova” and “National TV”.
We must also say that Lugoj is a festivalgoer. The House of Culture organizes four artistic events: The “Ion Vidu” Choir International Festival, The “FESTTEAMART” International Theatre Festival, the “Ana Lugojana” Folklore Festival and the Opera Singer “Traian Grozavescu” Festival.
Orase infratite
Twin Cities
După 1989, când posibilitățile de comunicare cu străinătatea au devenit reale, Lugojul a început colaborări cu numeroase orașe europene. Acestea s-au amplificat, astăzi, municipiul de pe Timiș fiind înfrățit cu: Jena - Germania, Orleans - Franța, Szekszard - Ungaria, Nisporeni - Republica Moldova, iar din anul 2004 cu Perigiali - Grecia. Ca o recunoaștere a consecventei promovări a relațiilor parteneriale economice, administrative, cultural-educative cu instituții similare din Europa, Lugojului, i-au fost acordate de Consiliul Europei, în 1999 și 2000, la Strasbourg, „Diploma Europeană" si „Steagul Europei".
After 1989 when the possibilities to communicate with foreign countries became real, Lugoj started collaborations with many European towns. These relations developed and today the city from Timiș river has many twice cities: Jena -Germany, Orleans - France, Szekszard - Hungary, Nisporeni -The Moldavian Republic, and since 2004 Perigiali - Greece. As a recognition to the constant improvement of economic, administrative, cultural and educațional relations with similar institutions from Europe, Lugoj was awarded by the Council of Europe in 1999 and 2000 with "European Diploma" and European Flag".

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