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International Contest for Vocal Interpretation “Traian Grozăvescu”
The great personalities of the lyrical genre have always had a particular affection for the wonderful tenor voice-giving it scores of a surprising beauty and semantic richness, dominated by ge¬nius, from the - amazing piracries and the easiness in the refined virtuosity of a tenore di grazia, of the passion of a dramatic tenor, from the sensual delicacy and light of the surrounding lyrism to the virtues accents full of temperamental vigour - a constellation of intense and contradictory feelings, that only the seduction of magic expressed by a gifted and inspired singer can transmit to the audience seized by the miracle of the lyrical art.
From Una furtiva lagrima to Di quella pira what a flood of emotions taken to the climax by the divine opera music due to some immortal masters of the genre. Adored and spoiled by the audience from all over the world in their moments of glory, unpre¬dictable, capricious at the highest peak of elation when the acute is a total success, but also under the burden of disappointment at the moments of doubt after vocal passing accidents unscrupu¬lously sanctioned by the passioned music lovers, capable of huge efforts not always repaid by his Highness, the Spectator, them, the tenors, terrible children of the lyrical stages, fevershly tending to succeed in the efforts of perfecting in the science of singing, the supreme satisfaction opened only to those predestined with a huge talent and of exceptional working power.
The initiators of the International Canto Contest "Traian Grozavescu" - Lugoj - Romania, understood that young opera sing¬ers should have chances to express and afirm themselves in com¬petition of the genre. Seen as excellent occasions of artistic emotion destined to discover and make the debut for great value singers and project their future careers offerind the perspective of being awarded with a prize. The special thing about this competition is the fact that it is reserved to tenors only. Our choice must be seen not as an abso¬lute preference for a vocal category or as an infinite pride of a world premiere, unique artistic manifestation, but as an expres¬sion of a great appreciation for a rare voice that must be protected, formed, loved with extreme devotion not only by the lucky and fully deserving owners of such a voice, but also by all those who believe that great art keeps standing in her pure idealism as a trebling, fertile interrogative meditation on the human condition.

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